Friday 7 November 2014

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2014 Movie Michelangelo

Ah, movie Michelangelo. What can I say about this guy? Possibly the worst interpretation of the four brothers in the new movie, but quite a cool figure.

Michelangelo comes with two accessories: a regular nunchuck and a longer 'triple' nunchuck (apologies if this has a proper name!). Honestly, I'd rather he just came with two regular 'chucks but never mind.

Mikey suffers much the same issues as Leo. Top heavy, forward leaning stance because of his shell, and missing paint applications. The latter is the bigger problem for me. I understand that to save some money Playmates won't use as much paint but it's frustrating to see entirely missed sections, especially the top of his chest. It looks terrible.

I like that Mikey is a lighter colour and is the shortest out of the 4 brothers, which is at least accurate, and wears his unique orange bandana. I like his hoodie tied around his waist, I think that's a really nicely sculpted touch.

Articulation wise, his head can turn right round, his elbows have ball and hinge joints as does his elbows - no wrist articulation! No waist articulation either. His hips kick forward but don't move too much due to the hoodie being sculpted round his waist. Mike's knees bend, but just a little, and rotate to make up for no ankle articulation. The limited leg articulation isn't too big a deal seeing as there aren't many ways to stand Michelangelo due to him being top heavy.

This isn't a terrible figure, and certainly better looking than the movie Michelangelo! I'm glad I grabbed these guys, but I wish I'd waited to see how much the movie was going to bomb - then I could have got these guys much cheaper!!

Go Figure!

Fezbongo took these fine photos, check out his Tumblr!

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