Wednesday 20 May 2015

Halo Megabloks UNSC Fireteam Venom

I'd been thinking about picking up a Fireteam set from Megabloks for a while but I'd never seen one in a store so I'd just never got round to it. Then yesterday I found Crimson, Venom and Eagle. I could only afford one, so went for Venom, next time I'd like to grab Eagle, but I doubt I'll ever pick up Crimson - not too sure on the dark red colour.

As you can see from the back of the packaging this set comes with 5 Spartans, a small terrain piece, and a small armoury of weapons.

Let's look at the terrain first.

I quite like this for what it is. I especially like the purple alien plant life and the sand bag pieces piled up as a piece of cover.

You also get a weapons pod with this set:

This is quite a plain, kind of dark olive green piece that is smooth and rounded as though it was shot from above as a reinforcement pod. It also opens up and can store a gun, the grenades etc

The weapons in this pack are many and in total (including grenades) you get 13 weapons! Let's look at these:

The weapons included in this set are:

5 x Frag Grenades
Assault Rifle
M6C Socom Pistol
Tactical Shotgun
Battle Rifle
Rocket Launcher

Obviously these Spartans are out to inflict some serious damage!

Talking of which...

From left to right we've got the Aviator, Scout, Gungnir, Oceanic, and Enforcer. These minifigs are all the new style of Megabloks Spartans that include the interchangeable armour and the improved articulation. I love the armour on these guys too, that poisonous (or even... Venomous!!) green is a killer look on a Fireteam like this.

The set also gives you a clear flight stand so you can have a Spartan jumping through the air into battle in this set.

I liked this set a lot more than I was expecting. I really like the terrain piece even though it's small, because once you get the Spartans set up on it, it looks great.

If you see this set in store for the recommended retail price I recommend it. It bolsters your ranks of Spartan and UNSC forces and gives you 5 of the new super poseable minifigures. I've seen this go for silly money on eBay and even Amazon here in the UK, and it's not worth double the price.

Go Figure!

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