Sunday 14 September 2014

Teeange Mutant Ninja Turtles Orange Mutagen Ooze

I was having a look at the very small toy selection in my local Tesco superstore today, and I found the new coloured mutagen! Well, I say I found the new coloured mutagen - I found a box of orange mutagen. None of the other colours. "Never mind", I think "I really liked the original stuff that gave me Raphael, and if this is orange then a Michelangelo would be a great addition!"

So I picked it up, bought it, and home I came. And this stuff is orange, and I have to say, I love it!

The canister is exactly the same as the original, just with the new super colourful ooze in it!

I won't bother going on about the lid again, I covered that enough in the original review, and it's exactly the same here.

So like I said, here I am expecting to find Michelangelo in all this ooze and...

Hold on a minute...

Yep, that's definitely Donatello. Not that that's an issue you understand, I just did not expect to see Donatello come out of orange ooze!

So yeah, Donatello joins his bro Raphael out of the mutagen canisters!

He's an excellent little sculpt and comes in Donatello's olive green. He also has his weapon sculpted on his back, the little bo staff is tucked under his belt. He fits nicely with Raphael and their canisters are pretty cool together!

Now I just need to find Mikey and Leo!!

Go Figure!

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