Tuesday 23 December 2014

McFarlane Halo 2 Master Chief

Picked up my first McFarlane figure in this Master Chief figure. I love the Halo series, so having a fully articulated Master Chief based on his look in Halo 2 at such a nice price was a no brainer! This figure was a little over a tenner from Forbidden Planet and it's an excellent toy for such a low price.

Along with this Master Chief, in the same wave McFarlane has released a Halo 5 MC with cloak - you can see him on the back of the packaging

I also picked him up - at that price I couldn't pass him up! I'll review him in the near future.

Let's have a look at the accessories first. Master Chief comes with 2 covenant blasters

These are nicely sculpted and really nicely painted with red, yellow, gun metal and blue.

He comes with a rifle

Again, nicely sculpted in a black and gun metal grey, this also comes with a small peg that can be removed. This is for attaching it to the Chief for storage

Master Chief also comes with a grenade

And 2 sub machine guns

These guns again have the pegs for storage. Master Chief is armed to the teeth!

Master Chief himself is a great looking piece with a nice dark metallic green colour scheme with scuffs, blacks, silvers and an amazing shiny gold visor. Chief is really game accurate, McFarlane nailed the look of the Spartan hero.

Chief holds all his guns nicely, other than the blaster rifle, simply because there's not much of a handle. I couldn't really get him holding the grenade either sadly, but it sits nicely on his back.

John 117's head turns and moves down - but not up. He has a ratchet joint at the shoulder which moves up and down and it can move back and forward. There's a swivel and bend at the elbow and wrist.

There's a great torso crunch and swivel, the hips move in and out, and there's a thigh cut. His knees bend 90 degrees and there are ratcheted ball joints in the ankle and toe articulation giving the Chief overall some excellent articulation.

If you're into Halo I'd recommend picking this guy up and I'm really looking forward to checking out the cloaked Chief from Halo 5. I'd definitely be interested in adding to these Halo figures in the future if they're all as cool as this one.

Go Figure!

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