Friday 3 October 2014

Strange Hill High Gooey Figure

Next up in this month of Shocktober we're having a look at a new mini figure I spotted while out and about, and it comes with goo!! I'm assuming that Strange Hill High is a new show on the BBC - not only because it says BBC on the packaging... - but because one of the girls, called Becky according the package, is wearing a Blue Peter badge!

As you can see, there are three characters that you can get: Becky, Mitchell and Templeton. I thought I'd include this in Shocktober simply because it's weird... I mean come on, it has goo!

Underneath the packaging is a sculpted blue school locker with an 'SHH' crest sculpted on it. And on the back is a vortex with cracks in the locker forming.

Popping the locker open, you find your figure and a sealed bag of bright green ooze.

I got Becky!

The figure is glow in the dark, so is mostly a solid light blue, but gets small white paint apps on her mouth and Blue Peter badge, green glasses, and a messy yellow hat.

No articulation in this little toy, and really, it's not great looking... The locker's better to be honest.

As far as the goo goes it's also much better than the mini figure!

It comes as in a small sealed plastic bag, is really sticky and thick!

I quite like the locker and the goo, though the figure is pretty crappy, though I might like it more if I knew anything about the show.

If nothing else though, this is now some kind of goo coffin, which is pretty fitting for Halloween!

Go Figure!

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