Wednesday 15 April 2015

Marvel Legends Infinite Series Build a Figure Allfather Wave Thor

Recently I've picked up the new Allfather BAF wave from Hasbro, well the figures I've wanted*, so I thought I'd get round to reviewing them!

In this wave you can get:

Iron Fist
Machine Man (not picking up this guy...)
Captain Marvel (*I actually don't have Captain Marvel, though I do want to pick her up)
Scarlet Witch

Once collected, if you pick them all up, you can build Odin or King Thor. As a fan of the Allfather I've picked up who I need to build Odin and I won't be looking to put King Thor together.

I thought I'd start off by looking at the Odinson himself, Thor.

He comes with the right leg of Odin

A big bad ass He-Man looking sword - which is moulded in a solid light grey with brown handle. A little paint variation and weathering on this sword would have been appreciated

And, of course, Mjolnir

The weathering effects and moulding of Mjolnir is excellent, though I do wish there was a little paint variation on her handle.

Thor himself is a beast of a figure standing over 7" tall

The paint on Thor is really clean with some nice details in parts. His helmet is a nice silver with a piece of cloth coming down the back, he has some of his dirty blonde hair coming down at the sides - his blue eyes are painted nicely under the rim of his helmet.

is torso is a dark black colour with a neat brown strap running over is front with a small painted silver buckle. There is lighter blue piping running around the edges of his suit - again very neatly painted. His belt is the same brown as the strap and also has some silver detailing. This same look carries over to his boots. The silver armour down Thor's legs look brilliant - nicely sculpted and done in a really shiny silver.

The dirty worn silver buckles holding his cape on are a cool detail, especially that the cape also has some lovely shading effects.

Articulation on this figure is pretty good, but hindered in quite a few places.

Firstly, Thor can only look side to side a little due to the hair and helmet. He can't look up or down at all. His shoulders are on a ball and hinge joint but because of his cape he can only move them up until it stops them, and they can't really rotate back because of this too. He has a bicep swivel, elbow joint, and wrist swivel and bend.

Thor has an ab crunch (he can't crunch backwards due to the cape) which also swivels. Hips are on a ball and hinge but are pretty restricted due to his tunic. Double jointed knees, ankle swivel and pivot. Well, his ankles would pivot if it weren't for the small armour discs right on his ankles rendering the pivot completely un-useable.

thankfully Thor is capable of holding both of his weapons well, although I'm not at all sure why he came with a sword. It does slip nicely into his belt under his cape though, which, I think, gives quite a cool look.

Overall, despite the flaws in this figures articulation, I really like Thor. I think he looks great, he's big, you get a lot for your money, the Mjolnir is a great looking piece and is in good scale with Thor himself, and he looks great beside other Legends.

Go Figure!

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