Wednesday 1 April 2015

Marvel Legends Infinite Series Wolverine Build a Figure Jubilee Wave

Do you know how hard it is to find a Marvel Legends Wolverine figure? Of course you do, you're smart. But this is the newest one, so it's a little easier to find and much more reasonable in price. I really want a classic brown costume Logan, but that will have to wait. For now I have this really nice unmasked Wolverine to keep me going!

I like this figure a lot, though I do have a few minor gripes about it, though the negatives are out weighed by the positives.

So I'll go ahead and get my issues out of the way first.

The X on his chest is nearly transparent, you can see the paint difference behind it. There are some minor paint splotches on the torso and legs. And the hinges in the hips are blue, so they stand out against the yellow legs. And he's too tall.

But like I said, the good out weighs the bad:

Great sculpt in the head, gloves, boots, mask
The mask hanging down on his back looks very cool
Nice gold belt with X logo on it
The claws look amazing
Really nice interpretation of the blue and yellow tiger costume
Hairy arms!

The yellow on the suit has a nice orange wash on it making it really pop and show those sculpted details and it makes it a little less bright than other times we've seen the old Canucklehead.

Wolverine's articulation is pretty solid. His head is on a ball and hinge, as are his shoulder, double jointed elbows (that you can't really take full advantage of because of those guns), and wrist swivel. He has an ab crunch, waist swivel, hips are on a hinge, he has a thigh cut, double jointed knees, boot cut and ankle pivot and swivel.

And although I think he's too tall, he is pretty cool when facing off against my Marvel Select Ultimate Hulk.

I'd recommend this guy if you're looking to pick up a Wolverine, and I'm super glad to add him to my collection!

Go Figure!

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