Thursday 2 April 2015

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Leonardo vs Bebop

I recently made a discovery! That Asda (the UK arm of Walmart) were selling these new "versus" packs. I think, unbelievably, that these sets are only available in the UK and are Asda exclusives. I can't say for sure, but I've not seen them anywhere else. And also, this part is very exciting, this is the first time seeing Bebop in the new line from Playmates!

Firstly let's take a look at Leo.

He comes with 2 new weapons, blades as expected, but this time they're more like Bowie knifes rather than his usual katana blades.

Leo himself comes in tactical gear which is nicely sculpted, but is entirely black which is a bit of a shame.

It's a pretty cool look though, he looks like some kind of stealth mission Leo.

There's storage on his shell for his blades also which is good.

Articulation is what we expect from the new TMNT turtles, head is on a ball joint so it swivels and tilts a little, shoulders are on a hinge but due to the shoulder pads they don't lift up all the way and the elbows are on a hinge and swivel. There's no wrist or waist articulation, legs move forward and back and rotate but don't move out, and the knees have a single bend, no ankle articulation.

Onto Bebop!

The only weapons Bebop comes with are 2 small grenades.

He holds these ok, but I'd rather he came with some better weaponry and accessories.

Bebop looks pretty great though, again, a very small amount of paint detail on this guy.

Articulation on Bebop is minimal too. His head rotates, arms move round and swivel out, no elbow or wrist articulation. Waist swivel though! Hips move out and swivel and there's a knee bend. That's it sadly. Unless you count the wheels on his back, which gives him a kind of slide play feature.

I really do like the look of this figure though, the sculpt is really cool and he's much more streamlined compared to the original Bebop. And there are nice touches back to the original in this figure, such as the Mohawk and super cool stream lined shades.

I'll still probably pick up the regular Bebop when it's released here, as I really want a purple mohawked Bebop!!

Go Figure!

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