Friday 22 August 2014

NECA NES Robocop

Robocop is one of the best, most violent and most visceral action movies the 80's had to offer. This guy had to be mine for a couple of reasons: 1. I don't own a Robocop figure; 2. It's an excellent looking figure; and 3. it's Robocop that matches in with my Jason and Freddy!

Colour wise, he's a really dark and beautiful metallic blue with even lighter blue highlights. He has some black shading on his mouth which gives it some nice highlights.

Robocop is a brilliant likeness to his movie counterpart, he looks fantastic! I really like the look of this figure, great details in the helmet, shoulders and those pistons on his ankles are great. But the real stand out is the spring loaded hip holster that opens with a switch at the back and stores his gun. My figure seems to have a bit of an issue that the holster is a little fragile, but it's not so bad that you can't use it.

Articulation wise, Robocop is pretty good. His head moves side to side and up and down, he has armpit pivots and his arms move up and down, and he has a mid arm swivel (no wrist joint). He can swivel at his diaphragm, on my figure his left leg moves at his hip and moves up and down and his knees bends - this isn't the case on his right leg which his holster is on. His ankle doesn't even really move on his holster leg. His ankle on his left leg though moves his foot up and down, which interacts with the piston which is a really cool little feature.

I really like this guy, the highlights really work and look as though light is bouncing off of his metallic frame. This all makes him look like his videogame appearance. For me though, it's the sculpt that stands out. The feet and hands look so robotic, the pistons are very cool, his holster is a great touch and all the small touches in his armour just make this guy look like his movie counterpart.

Your move, creep! Go Figure!

Check out Fezbongo and his tumblr for more great shots!

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